Published Articles - 2009
Greer, G., Kaye-Blake, W., Campbell, R. (2009). Comparative performance of organic, conventional, and integrated producers in New Zealand. Paper presented at the 15th New Zealand Agricultural and Resource Economics Society Conference, 27-28 August, Nelson
Fairweather, J. & Hunt, L. (2009) Understanding kiwifruit orchard systems. NZ Kiwifruit Journal. April/May: 13-16.
Campbell, H. (2009). A Sociology of Agriculture for Crunch Times: Sustainability, Dialogue and the Disciplinary Politics of Knowledge Production in New Zealand Farming. New Zealand Sociology 24(2): 12-38.
Campbell, H. (2009). Breaking new ground in food regime theory: corporate environmentalism, ecological feedbacks and the ‘food from somewhere’ regime? Agriculture and Human Values 26: 309-319
Haggerty, J., Campbell, H. and Morris, C. (2009) Keeping the stress off the sheep?: Agricultural intensification, neoliberalism and 'good' farming in New Zealand. Geoforum 40 (5): 767-777
Saunders, C., Kolandai, K., Greer, G., Kaye-Blake, W. and Sorensen, L. (2009). An application of agri-environmental indicators to panels of New Zealand farms. Aspects of Applied Biology – Integrated Agricultural Systems: Methodologies, Modelling and Measuring, 93: 139-142
Carey, P. & Benge, J. (2009) Comparison of soil quality and nutrient budgets between organic and conventional kiwifruit orchards. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 132: 7-15.
Cooper M, Campbell H, Manhire J, Moller H, Rosin C, Norton S & Hunt L (2009) New Zealand Organic Sector Report. CSAFE Report, October 2009 commissioned by Organics Aotearoa New Zealand Organics (OANZ)
Fairweather J. (2009) Farmer models of socio-ecologic systems: application of causal mapping across multiple locations. Ecological Modelling. See abstract at
Fairweather J. & Hunt, L. (2009) Can farmers map their farm system? Causal mapping and the sustainability of sheep/beef farms in New Zealand. Agriculture and Human Values. See abstract at
Fairweather J., Rosin, C., Hunt, L. & Campbell, H. (2009) Are conventional farmers conventional? Analysis of the environmental orientations of New Zealand farmers. Rural Sociology, 74(3): 430-454.
Lucock D et al. (2009) Crop and livestock Gross Margins for Organic and Conventional Systems booklet.
MacLeod C., Newson, S., Blackwell, G. & Duncan R. (2009) Enhanced niche opportunities: can they explain the success of New Zealand’s introduced bird species? Diversity and Distributions, 15: 41-49.
Rosin, C. & Campbell, H. (2009) Beyond bifurcation: examining the conventions of organic agriculture in New Zealand. Journal of Rural Studies, 25: 35-47. See abstract at
Norton DA, Reid N 2009. Sheep grazing reduced Hieracium pilosella flowering. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 52: 129-131.
Coleman, G., Moller, H., Benge, J. & MacLeod, C. (2009) Could fantails provide a marketing edge for New Zealand kiwifruit. NZ Kiwifruit Journal. July/August: 18-23.
Fairweather, J. and Hunt, L. (2009). Understanding kiwifruit orchard systems. NZ Kiwifruit Journal. April/May: 13-16.